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The Indian Economy

Malkiat Singh Duhra

The Indian economy remained consistently good for a long time from the1st century to the18th century. It accounted for 25% of the world economy during Mughal India. During that period, India exported products like cotton, textile, spices, indigo, silk, etc. to Europe, Indonesia, Japan and Africa. Mughals settled in India and they considered India their home. During British time, the Indian economy deteriorated day by day and GDP decreased to 5.9 in 1940. British rule was a major factor in both India's de-industrialization and Britain's industrial revolution. A number of native manufacturing industries shrunk. There was a severe decline in the handicrafts and handloom sector, numerous famines and significant transfer of capital from India to England. Now India has its own government and it is the ideal situation to progress in a short period. Since 1947, only moderate progress has been made because Indian people did not push their representatives (MLAs, MPs) to progress at a faster rate. Now people have started taking interest in motivating the politicians to work harder and sincerely for the country. Britain has given democracy to India. In a democracy, people are analogous to the king and politicians are analogous to civil servants. People of India should feel that they are the driving force to motivate and push the politicians to perform their duties in the best way possible.

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